Mark Duckworth won the 1997 G/60 with the score 6.5/7!

FM William Mark Duckworth (2452) showed fantastic perfomance by winning first 6(!) rounds. On the road he defeated International Masters Jack Peters and Igor Ivanov, crushed 2400 Emmanuel Perez by black in 12 moves playing 1. c4 g5!!

He made easy draw with Wolsky in the last round to clinch the 1st place. Igor Ivanov with 6 points shared the 2nd with Emmanuel Perez who overcame the "kids" loss to Duckworth by winning 3 in a row the 2nd day.

12 years old Vinay Bhat continues to amaze up by his strong play. In the 6th round he managed to draw FM Levon Altounian (2540), and the last round he defeated Jack Peters to get 5.5/7 and share the prize with Wolsky, Altounian and Van Buskirk.

The author of this lines got only 5 points (by losing to Igor Ivanov and Perez) and was left out of the prizes.

Tournamanent took place in on June 21-22 at the Senior Center in Irwine, CA. First four rounds were played on Saturday 21th, with the last 3 played on Sunday.

Total 97 players were playing this year.

Andrew Krasnov